aspen: a type of poplar tree, having leaves on flattened stalks so that they flutter in the lightest wind

barren: unable to bear young (human) or produce vegetation (geographical)

battlefield: the area where a battle or war is fought

bough: a larger branch of a tree

curio: short for "curiosity" cabinet, a piece of furniture that has glass doors, panels, and shelves used to display collectibles

eon(s): an extremely long, indefinite period of time

gnaws (to gnaw): to bite or chew on with teeth; to erode: to break down, or deteriorate

godsend: an event that happens suddenly and brings good fortune (such as a sudden opportunity to make money)

hibiscus: a type of tropical plant that usually has large colourful flowers

immune system: the body’s system that protects against infection and disease

joint(s): the area between two bones where movement occurs

lace: a delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open web-like pattern

medieval: a period of European history, also referred to as the Middle Ages, between approximately 1000 and 1450

melancholy: an intense feeling of sadness that can last for a long time and affect behaviour and attitude

skeletal: reduced to its basic structure

stalwart: hardy, or having rugged physical strength; dependable

tight: affected by scarcity, a lack of quantity; "tight for money"; "a tight market"

umber: a colour that is yellow but tinged with medium to dark brown

velvety: smooth and rich in texture

withered: having lost all moisture, dried-up (used especially of vegetation)