The objective of this unit is to practise your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through learning about the literary technique of point of view and how it is used by the author Kim Muncey in the short story “Views of an Artist”.

Point of view is the perspective or the position of the narrator in relation to the story. Sometimes authors use several points of view, as in “Views of an Artist”, where Ellen is the first narrator and Diane is the second.

There are four main perspectives or kinds of narrators:

First Person
The narrator is a character in the story who reveals only his or her own thoughts and feelings. S/he can reveal information about other characters, but not what they are thinking.

Third-Person Objective
Without comment or emotion, the objective narrator presents the action of the story and what the characters are saying and doing. S/he can reveal information about other characters, but not what they are thinking.

Third-Person Limited
The narrator tells the story from the perspective of one of the characters. S/he can reveal information about other characters, but not what they are thinking.

The omniscient narrator knows everything and may reveal the thoughts, feelings, motivations and history of any of the characters.
