CCDMD Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development

Peer Tutoring Resource

In many colleges and universities across the country, peer tutoring provides a cornerstone to academic support services. In this section, we offer you one resource that has been designed to enhance peer tutoring at your institution. A brief description of this resource is provided below.

Foundations of Effective Tutoring

Foundations of Effective Tutoring Description

Tool to develop peer tutoring skills with a section on how to train tutors to become effective tutors. Includes:

  • Five stand-alone modules designed to develop a solid set of competencies for students to effectively tutor their peers, including materials such as trainer guides, video clips, homework assignments, in-class activities, and handouts.


  1. Module 1: Tutor Role, Tutorial Format, and Tutoring Techniques
  2. Module 2: Communication: Active Listening, Effective Feedback, and Non-verbal Cues
  3. Module 3: Understanding Differences: Multiple Intelligences and their Applications; Learning Disabilities
  4. Module 4: Understanding Differences: Social Group Memberships and Learning
  5. Module 5: Metacognition; Plagiarism, Citations, and Website Verification; Tutorial Evaluations
Audience Peer tutors and those responsible for training tutors at English-language CEGEPs
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